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Conecta con BlueGreen Vision


+34 636 437 205



Pl. de Pau Vila, 1 BlueTechPort-Pier01 08003 Barcelona


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About BlueGreen Vision

BlueGreen Vision aims to implement Environmental Projects through Technological Innovations focused on Sustainabilitiy, Conservation and Restoration of Species and Natural Environments.

BlueGreen therefore focuses on the creation of Environmental Conservation and Restoration Projects, Technological innovation and Technical Consultancy

BlueGreen Vision also emcompasses two brands: Hanan-Pacha Spirit and BlackDante Productions

About Hanan-Pacha Spirit

Hanan-Pacha Spirit aims to bring Science closer to citizens and companies in a fun way.

It focuses in Team Building, Water Sports, Retreats, Outings and Expeditions.
Always applying the scientific character, environmental education and sustainability

As well as Talks, Activities and Workshops that bring students and citizens closer to science, nature and the marine environment.

About BlackDante Productions

BlackDante Productions is a Audiovisual Production and Distribution Company,
focused on the development, production and distribution of documentaries, series, programes, and fiction of a scientific nature, with the aim of Communicating and Disseminating Environmental Conservation

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